Nationwide Expertise in Workplace Safety
Frequently Asked Questions
WorkSaver Systems efficiently addresses your most pressing questions, from the intricacies of workplace safety consulting to the specifics of fitness for duty examinations.

How long has WorkSaver been conducting fitness for duty (FFD) examinations for employees?
Dr. Bunch was one of the first, if not the first, clinicians to create and conduct ADA-compliant FFD testing in the State of Louisiana in 1991 when ADA became law. In 1993, Dr. Bunch entered private practice and started WorkSaver fitness for duty testing services for industries with his company, Industrial Safety & Rehabilitation (ISR) Institute, Inc. As the business demand grew, WorkSaver testing and ergonomics services were separated into its own company, WorkSaver Employee Testing Systems, LLC, in 2010. Over the many years, hundreds of thousands of WorkSaver FFD examinations have been rendered for numerous industries across the nation with great effectiveness.
How long does the WorkSaver examination take for new hires and return to work cases?
Does WorkSaver offer an online instructional video for job applicants to review to prepare for the FFD Test?
What is WorkSaver’s average failure rate?
Does WorkSaver offer testing nationwide at multiple locations?
What if I need testing in a location where WorkSaver does not currently have a clinic?
Do clinics have to be certified by WorkSaver to provide WorkSaver FFD examinations?
Are all the testing clinics WorkSaver certified and subjected to quality assurance reviews?
On average, how long does it take to certify a new clinic to add to your national network?
If I prefer to use a clinic that is not currently in your network, how can I get a clinic to become WorkSaver certified?
How does WorkSaver validate their FFD Tests?
How long does it take to conduct a job physical demands validations (PDVs)?
Is your process fully compliant with EEOC, the amended ADA and other anti-discrimination laws?
Is fitness for duty (FFD) testing your primary service or is it an ancillary service?
Is the WorkSaver FFD test a pre-offer or post-offer test?
How can I apply fitness for duty testing to my existing workforce?
Has WorkSaver or any WorkSaver clients ever faced legal action against the WorkSaver testing process?
Who conducts your fitness of duty examinations? What are their qualifications?
Does WorkSaver have an online scheduling and reporting system?
Is the WorkSaver process compliant with GINA and HIPAA?
How long does it take to schedule an FFD examination?
How soon will I be notified of the results of the FFD examination?
How long does WorkSaver maintain FFD tests in their files for recovery?
Can WorkSaver provide pass/fail statistics and return on investment (ROI) reports for the employer?
How does WorkSaver assist the employer in ensuring that FFD testing stays current?
Will WorkSaver assist me with an interactive accommodation review when required?
How does WorkSaver monitor the quality of its services and what resources does WorkSaver offer employers when we have questions about an employee’s test?
Do I get billed from each individual clinic that conducts the WorkSaver examination?
How do I get started?
Contact WorkSaver! It’s that easy! We will meet with you, discuss your needs, answer all your questions, address all your concerns, and then provide you with a service proposal that clearly outlines our step-by-step process, our obligations, fees, etc.
Minimize workplace risks with our comprehensive fitness for duty screenings. Get in touch at 1-800-414-2174 to learn more.