
WorkSaver Portal

Nationwide Expertise in Workplace Safety

Frequently Asked Questions

WorkSaver Systems efficiently addresses your most pressing questions, from the intricacies of workplace safety consulting to the specifics of fitness for duty examinations.

As leaders in the field, we extend our comprehensive services nationwide, ensuring your organization navigates the complexities of workplace health and legal compliance with ease and expertise.
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How long has WorkSaver been conducting fitness for duty (FFD) examinations for employees?

Dr. Bunch was one of the first, if not the first, clinicians to create and conduct ADA-compliant FFD testing in the State of Louisiana in 1991 when ADA became law. In 1993, Dr. Bunch entered private practice and started WorkSaver fitness for duty testing services for industries with his company, Industrial Safety & Rehabilitation (ISR) Institute, Inc. As the business demand grew, WorkSaver testing and ergonomics services were separated into its own company, WorkSaver Employee Testing Systems, LLC, in 2010. Over the many years, hundreds of thousands of WorkSaver FFD examinations have been rendered for numerous industries across the nation with great effectiveness.

How long does the WorkSaver examination take for new hires and return to work cases?

Time required will vary based on the health/fitness condition of the test recipient. The average new hire (post-offer, pre-placement) FFD examination requires 1 to 1.5 hours. The average return to work FFD examination requires 1.5 to 2 hours.

Does WorkSaver offer an online instructional video for job applicants to review to prepare for the FFD Test?

Yes. WorkSaver offers a short video that instructs the job applicant on how to prepare and what to expect from a WorkSaver FFD examination.

What is WorkSaver’s average failure rate?

Failure rates vary based on the physical demand level of the job. For example, clients can expect a 1.5 – 4.5% failure rate for medium-level work and a 6.5-12.5% failure rate for heavy-level work. These rates do not reflect test recipients who are hired with accommodations and those who are placed on medical hold for health risks that expose a test recipient to imminent threat of harm to undergo the FFD test. Test recipients placed on medical hold may return to undergo the FDD examination only once the medical condition that was posing a threat is resolved.

Does WorkSaver offer testing nationwide at multiple locations?

Yes. WorkSaver’s national network of clinics is in a constant state of expansion as client demands increase.

What if I need testing in a location where WorkSaver does not currently have a clinic?

If there is a location needed by a client that is not currently covered, WorkSaver will locate a qualified clinic for WorkSaver certification. Through this process, WorkSaver brings testing to the locations needed by the employer.

Do clinics have to be certified by WorkSaver to provide WorkSaver FFD examinations?


Are all the testing clinics WorkSaver certified and subjected to quality assurance reviews?


On average, how long does it take to certify a new clinic to add to your national network?

On average, 2 – 3 weeks. Perhaps longer if the site needed is in a very remote area.

If I prefer to use a clinic that is not currently in your network, how can I get a clinic to become WorkSaver certified?

Notify WorkSaver. If the clinic and clinicians meet our qualifications and the clinic is not located in the service area of a clinic already certified by WorkSaver, the clinic can be contracted and certified by WorkSaver.

How does WorkSaver validate their FFD Tests?

All WorkSaver FFD examinations are subjected to content and/or criterion-based validations. WorkSaver ergonomic specialists shadow employees and conduct physical demands validations on the job sites, create functional job descriptions (FJDs) and have the employer and employees review and approve the essential physical demands identified in the FJDs. After FJDs are approved, WorkSaver FFD examinations are created for each job based on the validated FJDs. Once the WorkSaver test protocols are created, subject matter experts undergo the actual FFD examination created for each job for final approval prior to rolling out the program. Once the testing is rolled out, WorkSaver monitors all FFD examinations and assesses testing outcomes statistically to ensure that there is no evidence of unfair disparate discrimination.

How long does it take to conduct a job physical demands validations (PDVs)?

Time to conduct job PDVs will depend on the number, complexity, and locations of the jobs. WorkSaver initially gathers information (at no cost) from the employer on the number and types of jobs that will be analyzed. Once that information is acquired, WorkSaver will provide a PDV project timeline and cost estimate that includes the creation of the FJDs. WorkSaver has extensive experience in analyzing jobs, and it is more likely than not that the jobs being analyzed have been analyzed many times for other employers. This experience allows WorkSaver to complete the PDVs and develop FJDs in a very efficient and cost-effective manner.

Is your process fully compliant with EEOC, the amended ADA and other anti-discrimination laws?

Absolutely! WorkSaver’s process has undergone scrutiny from numerous attorneys and by the EEOC. The process is fully compliant not only with ADA and EEOC but also with all other federal regulations such as ADEA, Title VII, FMLA, GINA, and HIPAA.

Is fitness for duty (FFD) testing your primary service or is it an ancillary service?

Primary! It’s what we do!

Is the WorkSaver FFD test a pre-offer or post-offer test?


How can I apply fitness for duty testing to my existing workforce?

High-risk jobs such as firefighters, police officers, and employees working in remote, hostile environments can require an FFD examination at regular time intervals. In other words, there must be a business necessity for conducting regular FFD examinations on an incumbent work force. For regular jobs, FFD exams can be legally conducted on a “for cause basis” when an employee’s health status has changed, and he/she is having difficulty working in a safe manner, or when an employee is transferred to a more physically demanding job.

Has WorkSaver or any WorkSaver clients ever faced legal action against the WorkSaver testing process?

No. WorkSaver has retained very experienced labor attorneys to assist in the development of FFD testing since its conception. WorkSaver’s current retained labor attorney has over 30 years of professional experience as a labor attorney and ten years as an OSHA judge in Washington, DC.

Who conducts your fitness of duty examinations? What are their qualifications?

Unlike some competitors, WorkSaver certifies and uses only highly qualified clinicians, including licensed physical and occupational therapists, to conduct their FFD examinations.

Does WorkSaver have an online scheduling and reporting system?


Is the WorkSaver process compliant with GINA and HIPAA?


How long does it take to schedule an FFD examination?

Sometimes, we can schedule on the same day, if needed, based on clinic schedules. On average, though, it is within 24-48 hours.

How soon will I be notified of the results of the FFD examination?

Same day, as soon as the FFD examination is completed.

How long does WorkSaver maintain FFD tests in their files for recovery?

Indefinitely. Records are filed electronically with excellent backup systems. Our policy is to keep reports on file without termination.

Can WorkSaver provide pass/fail statistics and return on investment (ROI) reports for the employer?

Yes! This is a normal service that we provide to our clients.

How does WorkSaver assist the employer in ensuring that FFD testing stays current?

WorkSaver conducts reviews of FJDs with employers’ SMEs and conducts periodic PDVs as needed or when job demands change. We recommend reviewing FJDs every 3-5 years to help ensure accuracy.

Will WorkSaver assist me with an interactive accommodation review when required?

Yes! WorkSaver provides clients with policies and procedures for conducting interactive accommodation reviews and will assist employers with determining reasonable accommodations upon request.

How does WorkSaver monitor the quality of its services and what resources does WorkSaver offer employers when we have questions about an employee’s test?

WorkSaver is the only FFD provider that utilizes an excellent team of registered/licensed nurses and physical therapists to monitor each and every WorkSaver examination. WorkSaver’s state-of-the-art software reporting system also helps catch any errors during testing. WorkSaver offers support to both industry clients and their WorkSaver affiliate clinics 24/7. Just pick up the telephone or e-mail us at our Quality Assurance office, and you will get a fast response to any question you may have!

Do I get billed from each individual clinic that conducts the WorkSaver examination?

No! Our industry clients receive centralized billing only from WorkSaver. This reduces your administration time by not having to handle numerous invoices!

How do I get started?

Contact WorkSaver! It’s that easy! We will meet with you, discuss your needs, answer all your questions, address all your concerns, and then provide you with a service proposal that clearly outlines our step-by-step process, our obligations, fees, etc.

Minimize workplace risks with our comprehensive fitness for duty screenings. Get in touch at 1-800-414-2174 to learn more.