Pre-Placement Functional Testing

Pre-Placement Functional Testing

Fit-for-Duty News Post-Offer / Pre-Placement Functional Testing for New Hires – History & Current Practice With today’s concern about an increasingly aging work population and job applicants who may have significant medical conditions already in existence at the...
Fit-for-Duty Testing and Pregnancy

Fit-for-Duty Testing and Pregnancy

Lift testing of pregnant workers merits special attention in light of the possibilities of adverse maternal and fetal health consequences. For many years clinical management of pregnant workers for physical job activities relied on the AMA’s Council on Scientific...
WorkSaver Fitness-for-Duty Spotlight

WorkSaver Fitness-for-Duty Spotlight

Physical abilities testing conducted in fit-for-duty (FFD) examinations can potentially create an adverse impact on hiring certain classes of test recipients such as women. The increasing number of women entering more labor-intensive jobs traditionally performed by...